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Trade Marks
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Frequently Asked Questions
Trade Marks
China Trademark protection rights could only be obtained after the trademark is officially registered with Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China.
Hong Kong Trademark Under the Trade Marks Ordinance (Amendment 2000) which was introduced in 2003, the process of registering a trademark in Hong Kong could now be completed in 8 months.
Community Trademark A Community Trademark Registration covers all 25 member counties of the European Community. If you are considering registering your mark in three Enropean countries, you should consider the Community Trademark.
Trademark Classes For the purpose of trademark registration, all products and services and categorised into 45 classes. A trademark could be registered in one or more classes.


Q1: What is a community trademark?
The community trademark was established by the European Union to provide a unified trademark for the entire European Community. Once acquired, the mark covers all 15 countries of the European Union. The mark is used to enforce trademark rights in the entire region.

Q2: When was OHIM, the Community Trademark Office, established?
Since January 1, 1996, the OHIM has been accepting applications and somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 to 25,000 applications were received by the time the office officially opened on April 1, 1996. Approximately 1/3 of these applications were from the United States. There has been some hesitance on the part of the business community to accept the European Trademark. The concerns include the limited enforcement in specific courts, limited court jurisdiction, uncertainty about how marks will be treated, the concern about the application rising or falling based on a single application.

Q3: How can rights be enforced?
The regulations provide for the enforcement of the mark is courts designations by member states. Venue for an enforcement action is in such a court in the country in which the defendant resides. However, in the event that neither the plaintiff nor the defendant have an office in the state, the only of jurisdiction is likely to be in Spain. Spain has a significant interest in providing a forum that will be respected in the European Union and abroad.

Q4: What are the Costs?
Since the government cost for a basic filing is 975 ECU's (approximately $1,300) and includes up to three classes of goods or services, the use of the European Mark is definitely beneficial when the consideration involves merchandising properties or other properties that cover more than one class. If the application is permitted to be registered, a registration fee of 1100 ECU is charged by the OHIM. These costs are exclusive of attorneys fees. Budgeting $5,000 for each CTM application is a reasonable approach.

See also: European Community Mark registration procedures and costs

Hong Kong Head Office              Room 803, Futura Plaza, 111 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
                                                 TEL +852 2341 1444      FAX +852 2341 1414      E-mail info@bycpa.com

Shenzhen Office   TEL +86 (0755) 82684480 82684483 82684484 FAX +86 (0755) 82684481
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